Biology & Sexuality

One major argument against the LGBTQ community is that sexuality is a choice; that somehow, who you find yourself attracted to is determined by your morality. Whether it be who you are attracted to or how open you are sexually, according to anti-LGBTQ activists, you should be able to turn it off.

Although science has been tackling this quest for the “Gay Gene” for years now, there has been conclusive data to suggest that a person’s hereditary genes have anything to do with their sexual orientation.

But this does not mean that sexuality is a choice, seeing as there are many aspects of the human body that are hereditary genes but just how the person was put together during prenatal care.

This means that if a gay man has children, religious zealots can rest assured that his “gayness” will not be “passed down” to his children.

Although there is no conclusive research suggesting that a person’s chromosomes will affect their sexuality, there is research that hints towards this. In 2014 a study was published that suggested that gay men share a similar patterns in their genomes on the x chromosome and on the chromosome 8. This study ONLY discusses the origin of sexuality in males, something to note.

The biological study of homosexuality brings together multiple scientific communities and a wide knowledge of science in general, neuroscience, psychology and prenatal development is important when looking at the origins of sexuality.

For our documentary this is good and bad news. This means that we must, yet again, shrink down our umbrella and focus our content even smaller. On the other hand, this gives us options when searching for appropriate voices to speak on the biology of sexuality.

On campus, there are several professors who’s research interests include that of childhood development, social-psychological influences on romantic relationships, etc. who will contain at least basic knowledge or know theories surrounding sexuality. If these sources do not work for us, they will hopefully have connections in the psychology community that will be able to help us find out more about sexuality and where it comes from.- K.L.

3 thoughts on “Biology & Sexuality


    Just another interesting take on all of this.
    Here is my favorite excerpt:

    “He explained that sexuality is a spectrum of preferences that can be determined by over 200 different variables.

    While genes and hormones may, like male birth order, predispose a person to a particular sexual orientation, they do not determine it. Other factors are also at work. Social expectations, cultural values and peer pressure, for instance, help push many of us towards a particular sexual preference in different degrees. This is why in research they do not even talk about ‘gay’ or ‘straight’, but about ‘men that have sex with men’ because there is a whole myriad of variables that influence their very own identity and identification with a particular sexual preference or group.

    The researcher also explained that something as complex as human sexual life is bound to evolve from a multiplicity of factors. These factors; sociological, psychological and biological can ‘influence’ and/or ‘impact’ sexuality, but that does not mean that they cause or determine it. Something as complex and pivotal as human emotional and sexual life is bound to evolve from a multiplicity of factors, rather than from any single, simple origin. This is why in research sexuality is now considered a Biosocial Model that continues to intrigue scientists and researches alike. ”



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