Homosexuality: the difference between then and now

What many religious churches deny is that homosexuality was not just tolerated in ancient societies, but sometimes celebrated. Many tribal ancestors of Native Americans, for example, saw it as a gift. From modern research, we now know that homosexuality exist in all culta3fc288df5cd074013371301ef93f218ures. From modern observation, we also know that hatred exist in all cultures. So, when did hatred ruin an ancient practice?

The term “Two-Spirit” has long been replaced by “gay, homosexual” and “fag” and none of the latter are ever accompanied with the word “sacred.”

There is a direct relationship between the degree of open mindedness and the evolving of the human race. We’ve made leaps and bounds in every direction including homosexuality, but we still crash and fall in every direction as well. Homosexuality is a path in which some are most lost, but I am fully convinced that if people just let history present itself, most would understand it is not such a terrible path at all.- J.G.



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