Gay Straight Alliance clubs

“A 2003 survey by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network found that:

• 91.5 percent of LGBT students report hearing remarks such as “faggot,” “dyke,” and “that’s so gay” frequently in school;

• 64.3 percent said they feel that schools “are not safe for them to attend because of their sexual orientation;”

• Students who experience significant harassment have lower grades and are twice as likely to report that they will not attend college.

Feeling safe enough to go to school is only one issue. Suicide, prostitution, and drug use are problems for many gay teens. Trying to cope with their sexuality in the face of constant rejection and ridicule is tough for some. And they can’t always rely on adults to protect them.

It’s on this point that GSA’s have found their footing. Nationally, the number of GSA’s has grown from less than 100 in 1990 to about 3,000 in 2003, with an estimated 15 in Monroe County. Repeatedly, advisors from local GSA’s told City Newspaper how important it is for LGBT students to have a place to talk to other students experiencing some of the same problems. Sharing experiences, they said, helps students alleviate their anxieties and depression.”




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